video games
since 1970s they have massvive growth due to rapid tech growth
- 1970s- most of the games at the time were very simple and basic in the type of game and how it looked with it mainly being pixelated or they were just made up of vidoes wich played when choosing specific options and mostly played on arcades machines
- 1980s- games had a lot more colour and animation to them and also had a story to them for example mario
- 1990s- games were more detailed but still pixelated and a lot more games were multiplayer instead of singleplayer like street fighter
- 2000s- games have better graphics and more of a story to them along with more consoles being released
- 2010s- a lot more games were able to be played on handhell devices and became more genarative like mincecraft or pokemon go
3 major changes
1. abillity to play online with freinds far awway
2. tech became more advanced making games more interactive
3. processing power letting people play higher quality games
1. what sort of platforms can people use to now play games on? anything.
2. why are smartphones such a popular way for people to play games? they are pretty cheep and small compared to other consoles like PCs wich can cost thousands and need a screen, mouse, keyboard, and computer.
3. what do you think has happened to the gamng audeince because of theme technological developments? it has grown massively.
4. lots of mobile games are free to play how do the game companies make money? they have in game items that cost money that people can purchase.
5. what is augmented reality and how has it been uses to enchance games? augmented reality uses the real world and brings it into games.
platform- all devices
personal identity- lets people created and customize thier own games, avatars, and clothes on thier own accounts
information- there are some games wich alow people to learn
entertainment- alows people to play millions if different and uniqe games with freinds
social interaction- lets people play and talk with thousands of people in and out of games
platform- all devices
personal identity- lets people created and play in thier own worlds and fully customize thier characters
entertainment- lets you play hundreds of different games across different servers made by other players
social interaction- alows you to play and talk with your freinds and other people
Do now
- list 2 major changes that ocured to video games since 1970s. they got better graphics and got more of a story to them
- what is augmented reality? combines real world and digital things in games
- give an example of how an audience might gain social interaction from VGs. the abillity to play online
- give an example of how an audience might gain personal idenitiy from VGs. accounts
- which uses and gratification does every VG meet? entertainment
friday 8 november 2024
- epic games
- launched in 2017
- 26 billion
- battleroyal, save the world, creative
- its a 100 player battleroyal
- battleroyal / survival
- we see parodys in shows or other games and social media like facebook, twitter ect
- it lets players play on all different consoles and its online
- it colobarates with popular media such as the DOOM Star wars and rocket leuge franchise. it has a uniqe style and its free to play
- entertainment: gives you something to do and cures boredom. social interaction: lets you play and talk with freinds or other players Personal identity: lets you have a account where you can choose what weapon or player skins you play as
Epic Games
started by tim sweeney 1991 has used a opertating system called unreal engine and told users to use it as well to create thier own games in 2014 guinness book of recoreds names it the most successful videogame engine epic games owns a video game cloud based software studios in multiple countrys tencet bought a 42 stake in epic in 2012
Exploring Context
Do violent video games make people more violent?
prince harry: says should be banned becuase how violent and it is addicting
violence in video games: most publishes agiants video games are bias and there is no link between violence and games
Explain why audiences play vidoe games.
Refer to the uses and gratification theory in your response.[12]
1. the uses and gratifications theory
is the theory of why people use certain types of media, what needs do they have to use them, and what gratifications do they get from using them.
The gratifications are
- Entertainment- it alows people to get a sense of escapsim since they are somewhat entering a new strange world and it lets them ingore whats going on in the real world to focus this amazing colorful world that ends their bordem
- personal identity- games also alow people to create their own accounts and customize them or their player at will like buying shirts and accesories for that character while also adding stuff to their account such as acheivments for doing specific tasks
- social interation- most games alow people to talk and play with freinds from anywhere sinse a lot of games have a online mode and cross platform helps people play the same game on completely devices, most games will also have a talk/chat system so you can talk in game,same with a freinding system
- information- these games are les populer but some games can help people learn or teach them stuff while also trying to be fun like portal 1 and 2 they let you teech how to solve different puzzles while also thinking about the physics of were to put down a portal so you can get over a ledge or bring over a box to place on a button
so the reason i think audeinces play video games really depend on how or what they are playing sinse not all games will based about social interation so you cant play with freinds or other players and the same goes for all the other gratifications but i do think the main reason people play video games is for the entertainment and escapism and how it alows to have fun and not worry about problems in the real world like for example if your worried about work or shcool you can just get on a game and play for hours without a single worrying thing coming into mind and thats why i think people play video games.
Do Now
Tuesday 12 november 2024
- epic games
- save the world
- unreal engine
- moral panic is a widespred feeling of fear that that some evil thing is threatening a comunity
- the act of controling something
PEGI ratings
- PEGI 7 - non-realistic or non detailed.
- PEGI 12 - sexual posturing or innuendo
- PEGI 16 - erotic nudity or sexual intercourse without visible genitals
- PEGI 18 - explicit sexual activity in the game
Fortnite has a PEGI rating of 12 for frequant scenes of mild voilence
How is the video game industry regulated? [4]
the video game industry is regulated using PEGI age ratings. the age rating givin to fortnite is a 12 wich is the rating for games with frequant scenes of mild voilence wich was givin to fortnite becuase of its amount of voilence but lack of anything graphic such as blood or gore
one of the things that have made fortnite so popular is that u can play online and on multiple devices
convergance - multiple things merging into one
technological convergance is when technology corsses over to one thing e.g fortnite and its abillity for cross platform
cross media convergance is when media crosses over to one thing e.g fortnite is the most viewed game on youtube and has also used twitch (owned by amazon) to stream live competitions
- Dragon Ball
- Marvel
- Rocket Leuge
- Lego
- Borderlands
Synergy - when 2 products or brands help market each other at the same time
Dyers Star Theory
celebraties are manufacted by institutions. Dyer believes that they are construscted to represent 'real people' experiencing real emotions in order to relate to audiences and sell products such as film or music
Convergance benifits the fortnite brand becuase it includes the fact that fortnite has the abillity to play on different consoles around the world with cross platform and that makes it so you can play practicly anywhere its just limited to the device. convergance also benifits fortnite through the abillity to play online letting people play with freinds anywere or make freinds from anywere for example sinse its onlike it alows people to create and add their own gamemodes and builds letting them have fun with each others builds or total strangers. Convergance also helped fortnite through different media such as youtube or twitch witch lets fortnite stream live events to the millions of people who use and watch the website.
Synegry benifits the fortnite brand becuase it intorduces fortnite to millions of people who has either somehow never heard of the game or dont want to play they do this by colobararting with popular brands or people such as lego wich opens up more of the game to younger players who dont like the viloince of the other gamemodes another example of synegry benifiting fortnite was when Avangers end game was relased in cinemas, fortnite cololabarated with marvel to create a new cool gamemode where you are on 2 teams and need to either get the avangers powers or collect the infitiy stones for thanos to win.
Do Now
Thursday 15 November 2024
- synergy
- combining 2 different devicies into one single product
- games rating authority
- act of controling something
How do video games make money?
- game cost money to get
- inagame transactions
- DLCs/ extra things to get fore games
- adds
- sponserships
- colabarations
- limited time offers
- subscriptions
- merch
how fortnite makes money:
- buying Vbucks
- battlepass
- sponsers
- colaborations
- adds
- streaming the game
- content creatores playing the game
- merch
- skins
why might a games revenue drop off after a year
becuase its not new anymore and people have already seen everything it can offer plus new and better games are always being put out making fortnite not as new and unique as it was
The launch and success of Fortnite
- prormotional campain targeted exisiting gamers
- campain reached 150 million different gaming sites
- it had a cinematic trailer
- 10 million players in the first 2 weeks
- still very successful
fortnite has 650 million registered players
it has made 20 billion dollars in 2022
it averages about 5 and a half billion usd a year
the marvel infinity guanlett event generated 1.2 million mentions in social media in the first 2 days
star wars
john wick
stranger things
family guy
E-sports and events
received considerable media attention and was streamed on thier twitch channel
Epic eployed many professional gamers to keep fortnite as the forefront of online coversation
celebrity players also help raise the profile of the game
held live events and festivals
snoop dog
Do Now
Tuesday 19 November 2024
- ingame purchases, subscriptions
- new players, skins, and money
- borderlands, DOOM
- adverts, trailers
- personal identity, social interaction, entertainment, information
- the collaborations and games modes in fortnite
- all of them
- theres collaborations with play statio, tmnt, lego, fallguys, ice spice, and rocket racing
- theres a post talking about fortnite festival season 6 including snoop dog, theres a post talking about competitive detials for chapter 2 remix, theres a post talking about the different skins you can play as in the new season
- the website alows people to see different gamemodes that are up and alows you to select different aspects of a gamemode so you can find different gerne of gamemodes, at the bottom of the website they have all thier social media alowing players to interact with fortnite throughout social media, they have tabs at the top of screen taking players to different pages like the item shop
- the crew page has been added to the website to tell people about the crew subscription without them being in the game and it lets them tell multiple people of the crew in multiple different places
the homepage is appealing through the use of bright animated graphics and use imperatives and excalmations such as "Watch Now!'
Theres a range of post talking about the brand new collaborations and seasons for fortnite
the target audience 78% are male 22% female, 53% 10-25, 42% are full time employed
the cartoon like graphics and lack of graphic gore it makes it appealing for younger players
the esports stars mainly consumed via streaming plaltforms like youtube and twitch has led to players becoming celebrities
this has made celebritie gamers role models for young audiences
fans of anyone who has done a collab with fortnite
Applying audience theory 1
they mainly work of this idea that players can either be active or passive the difference between them is how they engage with the message media is giving them
active audience - a audience that engages with media messages by interpreting, evaluating and respronding to them e.g talking to a freind about a game.
passive audience - a audience that eccepts media messages without question and is more likely to be directly affected by them. they are less likely to enagage with it
for example a news paper will release a page about how all teenagers are the same and are bad. a active audience will question it and do thier own reseerch to see if its true. a passive audience will just beleive whats been said and go along with it.
how are fortnite audiences active?
they actual play the game and not just watch it
they spend money on the game
streaming and making content out of the game
2 U&G that fortnite offers with specific examples
Entertainment - it lets people have fun and escape by playing thier game and all its different gamemodes
Social interaction - it alows people to play and talk with freinds from anywhere and also make freinds from all around the world
Do Now
Friday 22 November 2024
- it gives information about the game that players would to know, it lets players know about events happening currently
- mainly males from the ages 10-25 but also some females as well
- they colaborate with different audiences from different things such as games or shows, use of seasons
- passive audience
- personal identity
Exam Preparation
Tuesday 26 November 2024
Who the game targets. all people but mainly men ages 20-25
What different elements of the game make it appealing to audiences. the good looking graphics, the gameplay, the lack of actual gore make it good for young ages
Whats the uses and graitifcations theory. the main things that either make up a game or games have
- Entertainment
- Social interaction
- Personal identity
- Information
Use the U&G theory to explain what audiences get from paying the game. they get to escape and relax without thinking about the worries of work or shcool, they also get to play with freinds from anywhere and make freinds in games as well, thye also get a there own accounts witch they can completely customize and change (along as the game alows it)
Do Now
Friday 29 November 2024
Excellent class notes Luke - well done!
A good answer - what did you mark yourself?
EBI: more details, with specific Fortnite examples.
brilliant answer! Clear understanding of U&G
EBI: use specific examples from fortnite to support
Excellent - specific examples to support
Not completed