NEA introduction
film marketing for a horror film
release date: 2000
billing block and production company logo:
main image:
Do Now
1. horror film
2. lots of dark suspenseful shots,
3. having the last main character remaining be a guy
it uses a close up shot on what looks like a 9-10 year old boy and they make the boy look very menacing it has the name of the company that produced it at the top and the name of the film at the bottom above all the actors names who are in the film they use a lot of very dark menacing colours they have used a very different type of font for the main title and some more normal fonts for the rest of the text the main title is the biggest while the rest is smaller all of the actors names are the smallest and some of the descriptions for it are big as well like "paranormal activity" same thing with the directors other film "saw" and how its the biggest part of text in the sentence it is in
they use mainly ominous colours like red and black. they are using a long shot of a man and a boy on a tricycle at opposite ends of a hallway of what looks like a hotel with the main title of the film in big bald white letters in the middle of the poster. the makers of the film and novel its based on are in big bald letters at the bottom of the text while the text saying what they are like "based on the novel by" is very small and hard to see the date is in white which makes it easier to see on the blood red background same with Stephen Kings name above the the title and how it is also in white text which makes it easy to see it also being in a different font makes it stand out from the rest of the bald text. the fact its also above the title makes it one of the first things you would see when looking at the poster
representation is how media texts deal with and present gender, age, ethnicity, national and regional identity, social issues and events to an audience this done through shot type, editing
find out and explain the difference between primary and secondary research
primary-the information is obtained first hand
secondary-information that was obtained by someone else

imagery- shots of either characters or places in the film, done so it gives of a almost creepy/menacing feeling
colour palette- a lot of either dark or sinister colours such as red, black, grey, dark red
typography- very bald and big text mainly black, white or red or just any colour that will make it stand out from the the rest or from the background behind it
characters- ( typical characters types and style)- group of teens mainly in a group of 4-5 with at least 1 female or more
narrative- (typical sort of storylines)- the group of teens are going to a either abandoned building or a forest to either explore after finding it or go there to drink and party
representations of people- (describe how they are shown stereotypically)- the female likes one of the other members in the group with most of the rest of the group being men most of the men in the group being strong, athletic, dumb, brave
what three questions would you ask your target audience
1. what type of places would you expect to see in a horror film
2. what stereotypical characters do you see in horror films
Audience Research
write down the difference between:
Demographics-factual information about a person
Psychographics-stuff about you that cant really be proven
Target Audience
L/O: to research our target audience to enable successful targeting
Coursework review and plan of attack
10th of September 2024
13th sep -
27th sep -
4th oct -
11th oct -
17th oct - checking
Do Now
Friday 13 September 2024
1. 16 - 24 year olds
2. horror poster and dvd cover
Do Now
Tuesday 17th September 2024
1. who is Raheem Sterling? a black footballer who spoke about black rights in football
2. what is Malala know for? survived being shot in the head by the taliban
3. what does GQ stand for? gentleman quarterly
4. what genre magazine is Vouge? fashion
5. what is a magazine masthead? the title or name of the magazine
Do Now
Friday 20 September 2024
1. why was malala an unusual cover choice for a vogue cover? shes not a model or linked to fashion
2. who was the target audience for GQ? men, wealthy, 20-44 age
3. who are the target audience for vogue? women, wealthy, 20-45 age
4. what is anchorage? the use of words to give meaning to images such as captions, headlines, and taglines
5. what is a main cover line? the largest cover line on a magazine
Do Now
Tuesday 24th September
1. 1950s
2. major quality and miss sweetly
3. working class
4. typography, colour palette, imagery
5. age, class, sexuality
Do Now
Friday 27th September 2024
1. B
2. the words used and their connotations
3. font style, font size, font colour
4. props, costumes, facial expressions
5. editing
Do Now
Tuesday 1st October 2024
1. A
2. sweating like pig feeling like a fox
3. beliefs, attitudes, values
4. referencing one text in another
5. 12
Do Now
Friday 4th October 2024
1. font style, colour, and size
2. 2021
3. kung fu
4. referencing of one text in another
5. strong, high class, powerful
Do Now
Friday 11th October 2024
2. 12a is cinema 12 is dvd
3. distribution
4. distribution
5. covid
Do Now
1. EON productions
2. Universal pictures
3. production
4. distribution
5. billboards, adverts, trailers
Do Now
friday 29 november 2024
1. 30%
2. yes
3. stereotype
4. jan 6th 2025
5. no
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