Magazines C1A

6th september 2023
Introduction to media representation


the media offers the audience an interpretation of the world

it is a re presentation of the events, people and places

i think this advert
is positive as it tells us that disabled people are able to do a lot and even more than most humans 
by calling them super humans



nanny : old, female, likes stuff clean, mean

nurse : female, blue uniform, helpful, 

teenager : male, short hair, skateboard, likes a lot of different music, female , likes makeup, likes pink, has long nails, has long hair

astronaut : male, short hair, has muscles

football player : male, short hair, famous, rich

opera fan: rich, "posh" has a lot of suits, male

teacher : male, bald or balding, old, mean, female, long hair, glasses, kind

tattoo lover : long or no hair, beard, tattoos all over body, biker, buff, deep voice

this advert challenges stereotypes by saying that men need to be brave enough to do the job of a nurse witch is mostly a females job 

educating in the east end

the students wasent listing to the teacher

representations in magazines


L/O: to explore the representations found in magazines

direct address - when the model is looking directly at the camera

what can we tell from looking at this magazine:

its mainly for girls

its for 18+

how is she represented? 

magazine 1: inexperienced mom, pregnant, relaxed

magazine 2: powerful, successful, elegant

magazine 3: rich, fancy, pretty, 

messy, un prepared


one has a lot of blue and colours aimed for mainly men and talks about more manly things wich matches the male targeted audience when the other one has a lot of pinks and purples aimed for mainly females and talks about more feminine things witch matches the female targeted audience 

the man is represented as rich wealthy happily married friendly and manly 

  • the female is topless
  • the guy is physically fit 

Exam Style Magazine Question

LO: to write and structure an effective exam style answer

the two covers represent gender very differently cosmopolitan represents tom daley is an anti steriohpical way , for example he has been dressed in a more femminine clothing color and style however as a gay man this is more sterotphaicl . On the other hand there are more sterotphaicly masculine representation with the tattoo's and the muscular physique.

GQ also represents Rhianna is a sterotpyaicl way for example she is naked on the front of the over wich is sexually objectifying her wich is sadly very common for male magazine and shes made to look like Medusa wich could be saying that shes so beautiful that men get turn to rock :) 



Exam Style Questions

This isn't good enough Luke - you have copied the class paragraph and one more sentence!

EBI: finish your second paragraph and make sure you compare


In this magazine it focusses on the upper part of the body wich is mainly shown as the more muscler and strong part of a man and has Ryan Reynolds looking 'fit'/'good' looking and has one of the main things on the magazine saying how good looking Ryan Reynolds is

Industry Research

LO To research companies linked to set products

when was the magazine launched? GQ is an American international monthly men's magazine based in New York City and founded in 1931. The publication focuses on fashion, style, and culture for men, though articles on food, movies, fitness, sex, music, travel, celebrities' sports, technology, and books are also featured

who publishes it? Condé Nast

has it changed, rebranded over the years? yes it now mainly focuses on fitness fashion and celebrities

what was the original target audience/genre? men from 18-25 years old

is it print only or multi platform? its a multi platform with websites and apps

what is its average circulation/readership? 85,080 it has fell 25% over 10 years

who is the target audience? men around 18 to 25 years old

summarise the brand image. medium shot a lot of the time focussing on the chest and face


when was it the magazine launched? 1892

who publishes it? Condé Nast

has it changed, rebranded over the years? in the 1960s the magazine redefined the look of female models, eschewing shapely figures to highlight thin, gender-neutral physiques

what was the original target audience/genre? mainly females 17-29 years old

is it print only or multi platform? its a multi with websites and apps

what is its average circulation/readership? 76,250

who is the target audience? females 17-29 years old

summarise the brand image.  very up close and focusses on the face with mainly female models

  • circulation-a count of how many copies of a particular publication distributed
  • advertising revenue-the monetary income that individuals and businesses earn from displaying paid advertisements on their websites
  • cover price-the price of a publication shown on the cover
  • subscription model-customers are charged for a recurring fee for access of a product instead of a one time expense
  • multi platform-computer software that is designed to work in several computing platforms
  • readership-the number or type of reader who read it
  • ideology-ideas, beliefs and attitudes, consciously or unconsciously held, which reflects or shapes understandings or misconceptions of the social and political world
  • brand identity-A corporate identity or corporate image is the manner in which a corporation, firm or business enterprise presents itself to the public
  • target audience-the intended audience or readership of a publication, advertisement, or other message catered specifically to said intended audience


QG: male, classy, stylish

Vogue: fashion, feminine, in powering

Case study 1

How could we compare these two using information from the previous slides?

How dose GQ target its audience? it targets its audience by having a lot of things on the cover of he magazine that would be liked by the targeted audience like with men the covers talks a lot about sports, fashion, women, and other manly things.

How dose GQ represent gender?  


grew up in London and had a rough childhood

he has 3 kids

he is know for his work for charities and support for anti racism in football

he is a english professional footballer

he was the 5th youngest player to represent England when he played against sweden 



any thing to do with the text:

shape of text
block capitals/lower case

they made the main cover lines a different font to the rest to show that its important and connected to the main image


grey, black, white, accent color is beige

the color can link to the main cover line seeing as most rock n roll stars wear black colors
and it is shown on the font cover wearing black and the main cover line has links to rock n roll


most magazines either have a L or Z shape meaning that the cover lines and other text makes a Z like shape from top to bottom or a L shape with all the text on one side with a little bit going across the bottom


the text is telling us that he is a really famous rock n roll star and it tells us his name


they are using a close up shot for Liam Gallagher to show us that he us potentially a rock star because most rockstars, when they have photo taken 


they use a different font and color for the important parts of the cover like what he is and who is

In December of 2018 Sterling spoke out about the racism he was facing over the years and he said that the media/news had supported racism and would twist the truth into something different when ever it was a black man and after all the abuse he was facing he had finally been pushed over the edge he said how if 2 players bought a house for there mothers the news will say the white guy is kind and he is a rare example of a rich person using there money for good when if it was a black man the news will say that are footballers payed to much and how he is using his money carelessly 

he is a winger in football playing on the side or the wings

he protects other black players from further racial incidents through his campaigning

he was seen as an evil person but in reality seems on the whole to be a good person

the layout shows the Z shape show in most magazines



explore how this front cover of GQ magazine uses media language to communicate meanings
  • images
  • text/written language
  • layout and design
Raheem Sterling(RS) is depicted with wings because he is 1 the winger in his team and he is almost like a guardian angel in the football community with his fights against racism the wings unlike most angels are black wich is showing how RS is a black angel he is also shown in a long down shot standing in a very manly pose and he is shown shirtless showing the viewer his muscles showing us how strong he is and we are also shown all of the tattoos he has all over his upper body wich also shows how manly he is, also the cover line "speak no evil" could be talking about the racial slurs said to him and other black football players the color palate of some the text could also be referring to his religion with the gold and white wich is mainly used as "holy" colors being used to describe heaven and angels.



Do Now

Vogue is a mainly females magazine that talks about fashion and uses mainly female models with close ups on the face or they show all of the body

 Malala Yousafzai

these covers show how vogue has changed by showing different genders and races when they would have normally have straight white woman models on there covers


she was shot in the head at the age 15 the taliban had got onto her school bus and shot her,
in 2014 she was the youngest nobel peace prize winner at the age of 17


Malala was put onto the cover because she is a strong and brave woman who was able to stand up and speak about miss treatment in her county and all the things she had achieved
shows how strong she really is and she survived the impossible when the taliban threatened her life when she was. shot in the head  

they use a mid close up shot at eye level wich is using direct address this tells us how brave and confident she is, there is also of focus on the face wich is where she had been shot because she had spoke out about the miss treatment of women and the fact they aren't allowed a education 

she is also wearing red wich could be tying into blood and the pain she went through trying to just survive as a women and being lucky enough to move away from all the mistreatment

the jewellery could also show us how rich / happy she is now that she had moved away and helped out more less fortunate women that where stuck there getting treated badly

her name is also in a different color then the rest of the text wich is in black and grey when her name is in white wich was probably done to make her name stand out and to be seen when someone would look at the cover 

the title of the magazine VOGUE is also over malala instead of usually being behind the model wich could be VOGUE trying to point out that it was VOGUE that made this and they dont  just make magazines showing of stereotypes of women in there magazines and sexual objectifying the female models on there covers 

Do Now 22/11/2034

direct address slight smile and eye level show confidence and status

headscarf celebrates  the importance of her religion and culture

the red color shows the pain and suffering she has felt

vogue at this time is the best for showing diversity across the board

i think this shows diversity by having a muslim women as the cover star and it talks about black people in the cover lines and her smile shows us that she's a powerful figure wich is very anti stereotypical 

most other magazines made by vogue show women wich are mainly white in a very stereotypical way but in this they show malala who us muslim as a very powerful ,confident  and important figure in the female community the cover lines also talk about very stereotypical things like how women care about there dating and there appearance with the jewellery flowing silk hair the make up and red headdress


Describe the technique/element/representation used

Explain the connotations/meanings constructed

Link to the overall context/meaning

they use a eye level mid close up shot and has malala looking at the camera/ reader of the magazine wich is direct address and her slight smile shows us how strong and confident malala is as a women after surviving such a traumatic experience for speaking out about women wich is very anti stereotypical of vogue, but they do talk a lot about a women's beauty and high level clothing like pleated shirts puff sleeves and perfectly cut trousers wich is very stereotypical

they show malala wearing a headscarf wich is showing us how important and respectful they are of Malala's religion and culture 

  • powerful
  • confident
  • brave

they both show a women of color and both use the color red wich could be showing passion one for her people and women rights and the other for the vote malala uses a mid close up shot shot when lizzo uses a long shot the cover lines on lizzo talk about the vote and politics
when the cover lines on malalas talk about beauty love/dating and other important people of color
  • Lizzo is only wearing red
  • Malala is wearing red and has red background
  • Malala focuses on the face
  • Lizzo focuses on her whole body
  • Lizzo cover lines talks about voting politics and fashion
  • Malala talks about beauty clothing and dating
  • Both of them are a women of color
  • Both of them are speaking up about something important


  • confident
  • rich
  • sexy

  • both female
  • both ethnic people
  • both wearing jewellery
  • both wearing expensive clothing
  • different shot types
  • they focus on Kims body
  • they focus on Malalas face
  • Kim is showing a lot more skin
  • Kims hair is flowing around freely
The two magazine covers show the two women very differently with one showing a lot of skin and in a sexy like pose when the other one is in a almost professional like manner only showing her face and hands, both of them also look very confident and are using direct address with there names in big bold letters showing that they are the most important part of the magazine and it makes it one of the first things noticed by the reader and the color of there names are different from the rest of the text with Malala having her name be white when the covers lines and text are grey and black and with Kim she has her name in pink when the rest of the text is white except the word confidence wich shows how Kim is tied with confidence
pink is also very stereotypically used with the female gender and mainly feminine things

both of them also wear very expensive jewellery / clothing wich shows us how wealthy the two women are in this cover with one of the cover lines on Malalas cover talking about "pleated shirts, puff sleeves, perfectly cut trousers" and Kim talking about "high street buy of the season the easy leather trouser" and "how to wear winters coolest trend" wich really shows how important fashion is on this magazine wich is pretty stereotypical with fashion and looks most of the time being tied in with the female gender and how women only care for looks and fashion in most media, i think that they are still shown differently but not that much in these two magazines.


WWW: you have identified similarities and differences
EBI: Use the structure I gave you - DEL - to make sure you are explaining what the representation is and HOW it is constructed. I need to see clear paragraphs and some punctuation!


    WWW: you've compared both covers well and included gender stereotypes
    EBI: include more specific media terminology in your examples

    This is not enough for homework Luke. You've made one point!
    What does the lexis suggest about how men are represented?



    Great notes & ideas

    GQ EXAM Q:
    WWW: good points with some accurate terminology
    EBI: try to mention stereotypes and use magazine terminology


PPE Improvement

  Friday 13 December 2024 section A possible texts magazines (vogue and GQ) marketing (film posters) newspapers  print advertisements (QS an...